02 June 2009

Can't be bothered to think of a title!

Bottled up the elderflower cordial this morning - there's actually 7 bottles but I'm pants at taking pictures so you can't see them all. Me and JJ have nearly finished one already (we do add water!)

This is the 'pencil crayons' tin that I made last night after I got in from my bereavement counselling group. I decided not to do one for the paint brushes as it will just get ruined by wet brushes.

And finally, father-in-law has been to an antiques fair today and stopped here on the way home with a carrier bag half-filled with buttons - it is sooo heavy. So this evening will be spent sorting buttons and doing some sewing (hopefully)

1 comment:

  1. Our elderflowers are not out properly yet - another week or so i think. I love buttons - what a great stash xx


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