06 June 2009

Catch up

Cor blimey - I've got buttons swimming before my eyes!! I've spent the last three evenings sorting out that bag of buttons and integrating it into the household collections. There were so many that the kids button shoebox is almost full, and I've re-arranged mine too. I was in the charity shops again yesterday looking for jars to put them in and found three - perfect - and they only cost me £1.30 too. I already had the 2 old yankee candle jars so now I've sorted mine out by colour.
I also finished the baby snuggly for Claire, but in my haste to get it in the post, I forgot to take a piccie :-(. Never mind. Same for the holly fairy too, which was for Joxy. My mind is working so fast these last few weeks that I seem to be getting ahead of myself, only to realise later on that something has been forgotten (sigh).
Other piccies are my new book, which was ordered at the same time as the others, but they were awaiting stock, and the summer Living crafts magazine. Haven't had a chance to look at these yet because of aforementioned buttons, but hopefully later. Lastly is more alpacca wool from a lovely GP mama. Lovely, lovely, lovely.
Lastly, we spent a lovely hour today picking more elderflowers for more cordial as we seem to be drinking it at an alarming rate ;-).


  1. I will blog the snuggly tomorrow hon and mail you a piccie - it is GORG! Baby will love it. And buttons???! Are we having a bit of a hoarding session away from wool and moving onto shiny buttons?! Ha ha ha! xxxx

  2. Why are buttons so lovely?? Whenever I have to throw away old clothing, I always snip the buttons off first. DH thinks I'm crazy!!

    I've just renewed my subscription to Living Crafts, it's a great magazine, shame all the adverts are American, but probably safer for my purse that way!! The sewing book looks very interesting too!

  3. I have a button post today - big thanks to you xxx

  4. Just calling by from Corridor Living. You have a lovely blog! I love the button pictures. I remember finding buttons fascinating as a child and I still do. I have a button collection too but it's not as big as yours :)

  5. Thanks all for your comments again. We used to play with my Nan's button tin as children so I thank her for my fascination ;-)


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