31 July 2009

Hold backs

It's the first time I've made curtain hold backs. I bought some for 30p in the charity shop so I could use them as a template and so I could cut the rings off to use with these. They're not perfect but I'm quite impressed as it's also the first time I've used vsilen (?sp) as well.

I've also finished the 3 girlie bags but I'll show you them when I know the recipient has received them.

28 July 2009


There have been a few crafty purchases lately - buttons (of course), blank badges and non-sew press studs to try, fishing wire (for the button door curtain I have in mind) and some fabric (mmm). A couple of the pieces I forgot to photograph before I used them but here are the others. I just love the stripes up there - 2 double cotton sheets for £3.00! And the blue and white fairy fabric. I'm not really sure about about the purple one now I've got it...the faces look a little too witch-like to be fairies. Anyway, I'm getting swamped with orders now so it's just a quickie for today.

26 July 2009


I've not done a huge amount of crafting this week (when I probably should have been) but look what happens when I did manage some. This was yesterday evening - JJ does go to bed quite late - but he was obviously quite tired yesterday.
Excuse the blue bum - trying to escape the obscene picture telling off :-)

20 July 2009

Cushion finished

Remember my first lot of crochet way back here - well I finally found some material to make the actual cushion cover with. The green sheet I got in the charity shop the other week was the perfect colour but I hadn't even thought of it for this job. The actual case is not perfect but I don't mind (well, maybe a little bit) - serves me right for rushing as usual :-).

19 July 2009

Daytime crafting :-)

After doing a little bit of housework this morning I sat for 45 mins and made 4 cards with the lavender I dried the other day. I lined them with lavender drawer liners so they smell lovely and have pictures of lavender inside as well. One of these is for an August birthday.

While sat with JJ this afternoon I made a pen pot for our computer table, then after tea I sat and made these bean bags with tails.

There are actually 5 of these but one 'accidentally' landed in the potty! Now, as they are filled with green lentils I'm not sure whether it will survive the rinse under the tap :-/.


Finished the second bag last night. This one seems to have taken ages but I'm really pleased with them. They have been quilted but the pictures don't show that up very well.

I found this book in the charity shop the other day for 25p. Its got some really good bits in it - I don't care if it's meant for kids ;-).
Thank you all again for the lovely comments that you leave me. I find it quite astounding that people that I admire and respect actually like the things that I do. Oh, and the bootsale in York where the beeswax came from is held on the racecourse.

16 July 2009

New baby and 'stuff'

Here's the new baby card I made for the gorgeous Claire and her family. Congratulations to you all xxx.
I had the last of my bereavement counselling sessions on Monday. It feels as if I've just got used to going and now it's ending. Anyway, it has been hard - coping with the emotions I hadn't realised I'd hidden away - but I also feel slightly stronger as well. I managed to play one of the songs we had played at Mum's funeral the other day as well, so I think that is very telling. I'm sure I will still find there are some difficult times but hopefully I'll manage them better.
My sister has given me one of Mum's skirts that she wants me to make a couple of things with. We both ended up with a couple of items of clothing but this skirt holds certain memories for her so I feel honoured that she has asked me to do this.
I also have an order for another bag.

13 July 2009


Made some small lavender sachets and a birthday card for the shop yesterday. Also made a congratulations card which I will show you later in the week.

I've been and harvested my Dad's lavender plants today. When I got home I made a lavendar wand which is hanging in my wardrobe and then I tied the others together for hanging and drying. I'm hoping to make a few things from them once dried.

11 July 2009

One down...

This is the first of two bags finished. The picture is from one of the cushion panels I got a few weeks back. I have put wadding underneath then quilted round the cockerel and stitched around the edge of the panel. The inside of the bag is from a quilt cover I found in a charity shop.

10 July 2009

Wonderful link for you

I love the Imagine childhood website, and today they have a post about a summer playbag - it's such a simple thing to put together, fantastic.

08 July 2009

San Pro Pad Tutorial

I thought I'd do this quick tutorial on the san pro pads as I find these the best ones to use. This is the pattern I use. The main pieces measure 6cm x 17cm. The flap piece measures 5.5cm. You will need one each of the main pieces (one top, one each of the bottom pieces and then two of the flap). The flap piece is folded along the line to make a triangle. If you want me to send you exact copies of the pattern contact me at my email address shell.good@btinternet.com.

Once I had uploaded all this I realised that the patterned material does not take good pictures for showing up the details properly so I apologise and hope that you still get the gist of things ;-).

When I pin the pattern to the fabric to cut it out I leave about 1cm round the edge but I am never precise about it.

Once I have cut out the pieces I put the top piece and the two flap pieces to one side. With the two bottom pieces I then make 3 small cuts into the curve of the fabric to make it easier to fold and hem it.

Here they are pinned from the wrong side and the right side. I never tack them either, I just take the pins out as I machine it.

Here they are all stitched.

When you put the two bottom pieces together they will like the paper pattern, so that they overlap each other.

Now take you two flap pieces, fold along the centre (ws out) so you have a triangle then stitch along the long side. You don't need to bother stitching the bottom as this will be the bit that is stitched when you put them all together. Turn them the right side out.

Now take the top piece so that the right side is facing you. Place the two triangle flaps in the centre of the top piece so that the open edges are facing the edge and the points overlap in the middle.

Now gently place the two bottom pieces (already overlapping) on top of the bottom/flap pieces.

Carefully pin them all together.

Stitch them all together, taking care around the curved ends.

Turn the right side out. The top.

The underside. I still use the old fashioned press studs that you have to stitch on as I find them to be the most secure way of keeping them in my pants (sorry TMI). I know you can get a tool for putting press studs in though, so which ever way you find best for you. The press studs are then stitched onto the flaps so that they fasten together under the gusset.

The opening. I have a variety of terry pads that I use, according to size. I use old terry nappies, cut and folded according to how thick/long I want them, then add a piece of cotton on the bottom then stitch round the edge to keep it all together. I don't tidy the edges of them or anything as I think it makes them too bulky and uncomfortable (there's only me going to see them anyway ;-) ).

I hope this makes some sense - if not please contact me and I'll see what I can do :-).

06 July 2009

Something for me

Well I don't think the boys in the house will be wanting them - san pro pads. These are just a case and then I slip a towelling pad inside them. My other ones are nearly thread bear so I thought I better make some more.

05 July 2009

Crafting again

I haven't done any crafting since Monday (shock) but I had the urge today. I finished the play/car mat for JJ but still had an urge (now then ;-) ) so I made the pyjama shorts I promised Aaron yonks ago. Quite pleased with both of them. Just need to get these blooming curtains out of the way (believe me, I have tried) then the stuff that seems to have been on my list for months will be done.

03 July 2009

Pink and Black

This is the pink girlie bag I made last week.

I had some cheese covered in black wax given to us but didn't want to throw the wax away, so I added it to some beeswax and made a candle :-).
Not done much else this week except start one of the other bags that has been ordered. I did do some of the car mat last week but that still needs finishing.
I didn't go to the counselling either, then berated myself for not going.
Must be the weather - don't like it too hot.