29 November 2009

Bits from the week

Currant buns - although I forgot to glaze them as I was messing about slicing oranges for drying at the same time. Recipe from the talented Shazronnie.

A bargain picked up from a bootsale by the mother-in-law. Small crochet basket with threads and lots of tiny hooks - fantastic.

The log cabin bag so far. Just need to add something (not sure what yet) to the right hand side then I'll be happy with it. Got to finish this this weekend.

Twilleys wool for my new hat - gorgeous colour.
Thank you all for the lovely comments regarding my Grandad, they mean an awful lot to me.

26 November 2009


Grandad died Tuesday evening, very peacefully.

23 November 2009

Comfort food

Homemade butternut squash soup with homemade bread and butter mmmmmm.

22 November 2009

More off the lists

Here's the Christmas puddings and mincemeat that I made the other day. I forgot to photograph the cakes before I wrapped them, but needless to say, the house smelt gorgeous the day I made it all.
I've been doing more on the crochet blanket (when I probably should have been making the log cabin bag) but I just need something at the minute that doesn't need too much thinking about. I've now got enough squares to make 16 blocks containing 9 squares each. This leaves 5 skeins left to make my edge. I did want to make 20 blocks but then I would only have 1 full skein left and I don't think that would have been enough to do it justice.
I've also done the felt food order, so that shall be posted tomorrow.
Grandad is now off the machines - we are waiting.

17 November 2009

A little update

Thank you for your comments with regards my Grandad. He is still no better/worse, but he is comfortable. If there is no improvement over the next couple of days they will turn the machines off as this is what is actually keeping him going. I feel quite numb really, he is a good age (81), and he hasn't really had a good year because of his alzhiemers, the deterioration is terrible - but, he is my Grandad, and he is another piece of my Mum that is disappearing. Ummm.
Still keeping busy. I quickly made the above card for my BIL's 40th yesterday and then last night I sat and crocheted some more of the green granny blanket as it's repetitive and doesn't really need thinking about. Today took ages for me to get going but then I decided I really must get the Christmas cake started, so I wrote my list then peddled the 4 mile round trip to the shop to get the extra bits I needed. When I got back I made a start on the 2 cakes (1 is a gift), the mincemeat and the puddings. The house is going to smell gorgeous tomorrow when they are cooking.

15 November 2009

Keeping busy

Well, Friday turned into one of those days after I posted on here. My Nan rang to say my Grandad had been rushed to hospital as he had had a massive stroke. He already suffers terribly with alzheimers and is in a care home...anyway, we are now playing the waiting came, so I am keeping busy.

Above is the sewing I managed to do Friday afternoon - 3 cloaks and 1 bag inner. I'll show you the finished articles properly once I had added the elastic and finishing touches.

A flower can for an order.

JJ didn't have a tin for his pencils so I asked him yesterday what colours he would like and what he wanted on it. No stereotypes in this house :-).

My sister wanted two pen/pencil pots for her house warming gift, so I did those last night.

I have also been looking at order books and things for logging commission orders that I get. I couldn't find anything that was exactly as I wanted it so I thought I would design my own.
Right, back to waiting, and keeping busy.

13 November 2009

And the winner is.....

.......Dawn. Thank you so much for the lovely comments everyone - they mean a great deal to me. I've contacted you through GP.

12 November 2009

Not like me to be organised

I have an order for a blue bag with a log cabin on the front, but where I order my cloth bags from don't do blue (or green or yellow). So I got some dylon handwash dye yesterday then set to work this morning dyeing 3 of my white bags (and half the kitchen, my face, etc) blue.
I'm really pleased with the finished colour as it didn't want it to be too dark.

I'm actually going to have the house to myself tomorrow afternoon (all being well) so this evening I've been extremely organised (not like me) and cut and pinned 4 items ready for stitching. Very excited as three of them are from the Christmas pressie list.

Last chance for you to put your comment here for the draw tomorrow. Good luck.

10 November 2009

Starting to get that Christmas feeling

I have spent the last two evenings (and some of the afternoons) making these felt hanging decorations. I've really enjoyed making them, and now have an idea buzzing round my head for an Angel. After photographing them I then spent a very frustrating 40 mins trying to put them in the shop - anyway, they are there now.
Don't forget to leave a comment here for a chance in the draw.

09 November 2009


The rosemary I harvested yesterday filled my large basket and made the house smell gorgeous. I attempted to make a wreath as you would with willow, but it was too thick at one end and then too thin at the other and wouldn't stay woven together. I have some metal rings awaiting use as another idea, so I borrowed one of those. I had to tie the thick end on then weave it round the ring, and so on, then I added a length of twine so I could hang it in the kitchen.
I then filled a jar with rosemary, topped it up with olive oil and then stood it on my window sill so it can infuse it's gorgeous aroma. I'll either use this for cooking or I shall make so bath salts with it - can't decide yet.
The rest has been tide into 7 bundles and hung in the boiler cupboard to dry. I may use them for scent pillows or bath satchets or....any ideas greatly appreciated ;-).
PS. The small jar sat on the top of the rosemary jar has lavender and olive oil in it - I had a quick smell yesterday and it smells lovely.

Don't forget to leave a comment here for a chance in the draw.

08 November 2009

Getting back into it.

Starting to get back into the crafting after the last few weeks' of turmoil. Here's the 'cat in a garden' bag. I just need to add the liner now.

My sister has moved into a new home, so here's the card.

I've been experimenting with more felt food. Can you tell what it is??
Today I also harvested the rosemary from the garden. I didn't get it done last year so the plant is looking rather straggly. Anyway, tomorrow's post (hopefully) will be full of rosemary.
Don't forget to leave a comment here for a chance in the draw.

07 November 2009

Has it really been a year?!

Wow, a year! The time has gone so quickly, yet at other times it seems like I've always been doing this. It's been lovely to record the things I make, and since discovering blogland, it's been more wonderful to see the other blogs that are out there, to share these experiences that we all have, to show everyone the things we make.
It's also been a huge help to me to off-load some of my feelings regarding the loss of my Mum. I can't believe that will be 4 years in December. She was the person who taught me my crafting skills, who was always there to show me, who always had the answer to any problems. She is sorely missed and will be always.
To celebrate this past year and to say thank you to all those who have left comments regarding the things I make, and words of wisdom, of support and of love regarding everything else I shall have a give-away. The winner shall receive something from my shop or I can make a bag for you - the choice shall be yours. Leave a comment and I'll draw a name out on Friday 13th November - a lucky day for someone :-).

03 November 2009

A little crafting

A brooch to brighten up my coat for the funeral.

Finally done the san pro order.

A rushed birthday card for my Dad.

I've managed to do a little crafting over the last few days. The funeral was yesterday which went quite well considering the circumstances. A packed Church and a very big VW convoy just showed the amount love for Webbo. We will miss you.