28 January 2010


Following the blog of the lovely Pippa, here's some of our books. The above 2 piccies are from my craft shelves in the bedroom - some of our magazines, my crafty books and some of my most precious books.

Here are JJ's books in his bedroom. He's got stacks more in the living room!

These three pictures are our living room wall. There's allsorts of books here, covering a huge
array of subjects, plus all the fiction books too. So many of these have come from library sales, charity shops and bootsales. I'd hate to think how much money we have actually spent on books - worth every penny though.
I can't actually take a picture of Aaron and Nathan's books because we've just had to box them up so the builders can get in their room next week - suffice to say there are many, many boxes now residing in the loft.


  1. Our house is wall to wall books too!!!! You can never have too many books! Except when you have to decorate ;-)

  2. Wow your bookshelves are so tidy. I love the little bookshelf above where the door opens too - what a great use of that little space.

  3. What lovely bookshelves!! I'm admiring the one that goes about the door space too, really good idea!

  4. Pretty much all our spare space has bookshelves (though nowhere near as tidy as yours!). Unfortunately no more alcoves to put shelves in and there just aint no more space...

  5. Hi Shell - love your shelves - I am about to enlarge the pictues and have a browse. I have been blogging about this for the past two Mondays - it's great to see other people's collections. x

  6. Hehe1 What a great collection. I can see a few that I have, but I do think that our husbands would have a lot in common - I see several similar DIy and Campervan books tht are somewhere on our shelves too!

  7. Heaven! sometimes I long for a Victorian house with high ceilings, books floor to ceiling and a whizzy ladder! In a cottage books are relegated to piles a few shelves and boxes upon boxes stuffed under everything, you can't hide under our beds lol

  8. I'm so glad we're not the only ones who have a house that looks like a library.


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