05 February 2010

Where is the time going?

I've actually managed to do some crafting! Another heart, and I've finished the first part of the GP season swap but I can't show you it as the recipient may see it. That is very frustrating as it's something I've not done before and I really want it to show you but I can't - I'm really quite pleased with how it's turned out.

I forgot to show you the books on my kitchen side as well - some of my cooking books. The one used the most is my Mum's old bero book, then the Delia book (although I fell out with her over her last series on TV), then the River cottage family cookbook. I tend not to follow recipes exactly (just like my crafting really) but I do love to drool over the pictures ;-). You'll have to excuse the dust - I would blame the builders as there is more than normal, but really I hate dusting.


  1. Oooh, a crafting home-educator, I like that :) Nice to find like-minded people in blogland.

    (home-educating mum of 4 in Devon)

  2. We ate Delia's meatloaf for dinner last night. Yum.

    I'm also a home educator and crafter! Rachel in Oxfordshire


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