29 September 2010

Yay - busy, busy

Yay - I have some enthusiasm back :o). Unfortuately for the shop/crafting, yesterdays enthusiasm was for cleaning the shamefully disgusting hob, JJ's room and my lounge (how can the smallest member of the house make such a mess everywhere!!!). All that done then my sister, neice and nephew came for tea - maybe this was the reason for the cleaning spurt ;o).
I did manage to cut the lavender soap - an exfoliating one this time and in the evening I made another angel, this one has beads on it.

Must get my other neices birthday card made today as we're out tomorrow at home ed group. So pleased we've started going - I think we were beginning to stagnate at home.


28 September 2010

Christmas peek

A felt angel.

A snowflake.

(Not christmas ;o) ) a birthday card.

27 September 2010


The first batch of soap is ready to put in the shop - lemon and tea tree (with coffee grounds).

Patchouli and orange will be ready this coming weekend - this is my favourite so far :o)

I've managed to make a couple more cards - one is an old style one and the other is a new one I'm trying. I seem to have found a little bit of my crafting energy back again - definitely think the weather has something to do with it (hubby working 12 hour days isn't helping either).

These are the mini stockings I started a couple of weeks ago. They're about 4inches high, open at the top, with a hessian loop and a couple of bells. Great for hanging on the tree, or using as gift tags with the label/note popped in the top (this is what I'll use mine for anyway ;o) ). Off to update the shop. Autumn blessings to everyone.

26 September 2010


I managed to get the rosehip syrup done :o).

Just thought I'd show you where my eldest daft cat is sleeping - in the nearly-empty bag of dog food!!

24 September 2010


I will get my rosehip syrup made this year, I will! It's been on my list of things-to-do for 2 years now - I'm very determined this year. JJ and I collected a good kilo of rosehips on Wednesday. I've put half in the freezer as we haven't had a frost yet and my plan for today is to make the syrup. The other half are drying in the oven (and taking a very long time I might add). I also dried some chillies while I was at it - these are ready and packed in a jar.

I'm still struggling to find some sort of time-management/get-up-and-go/whatever you want to call this lack of enthusiasm for crafting/anything. I'm over half-way through the first lot of christmas makes I was doing (only another 6 things on the list I wanted to make for the shop) but I haven't the inclination to finish them at all :o(. Don't know why. Hopefully find some umph today :o/.

20 September 2010

Completed something at least!

Well, a couple of things actually - elderberry and honey syrup, inspired by Dawn.

Re-purposed jumper made into hanging hearts.
I've got a couple of Christmas things on the go as well - hopefully get to show you later.

18 September 2010

The Book

I wasn't sure whether to post this or not, but then I thought someone else might like to give it a go too. I've been wanting to chart my menstrual cycle for ages. I did some research and found various charts for charting alsorts of things - many that I wouldn't have linked to my cycle! I can't remember where I found this now, which is very frustrating, but I copied it down on a scrap of paper, waiting for the book. The above picture is a next week's chart with dates, moon cycle, my cycle, plus various headings. It should be big enough for you to read them.
This is the key to the charting which I have done on the first page so I can refer back to it, but it is quite straight forward really.

This is this week's pages. I have done it so that the opposite page is blank so I can write any notes/dreams/thoughts/etc on it. I'm really looking forward to charting everything and then seeing any patterns that emerge. Hopefully it will help me manage my cycle/moods better :o)

15 September 2010

Drooling :o)

With the money I was given for my birthday in August I decided to treat myself to a new journal. I wanted something to chart my cycle/the lunar cycle - Earthworks Journals were suggested to me by someone on the Green Parent Forum. Oh my, it arrived yesterday, and what a joy it is. All handmade and handbound, The Goddess sits on the front with the lunar phases too - perfectly appropriate for the intended purpose.

Managed to do some sewing too, yipee. I nearly sat and gawked at the tv all evening but I made myself get the machine out and I'm so glad I did. Just got to put the press studs on now then I can get them posted.

I cut the patchouli and orange soap this morning too. This smells sooooo good. I'm hoping to get another lot made today. Hope everyone else manages to do something they like today :o)

14 September 2010


.....has it really been a fortnight since I last blogged!! We've been away this last weekend but other than that I don't really know where the time has gone. I don't seem to have made much either! Maybe it's the change in weather?! I did manage to finish the Mish-mash bright bunting before we went away so I'll try and get that in the shop later, and I also made some patchouli and orange soap yesterday. Got some san pro pockets to make for an order and a fabric tree to post today so I better get a shift on ;o).

01 September 2010

Trying to find comfort

My big soft bear (otherwise known as Casper) was hit by a car yesterday - he was only a year old! He was supposed to be my hubby's cat but he never left me alone :o). He would jump up when I wasn't expecting him, he would cry outside our bedroom window at night (we live in a bungalow) until we let him in then he would curl up right next to me on the bed until I got up in the morning. He would try and pinch my breakfast, or sit there, rather impatiently waiting until I had finished so he could have the last drip of milk. He was so laid back he was almost horizontal! He was my big soft bear.

I've been trying to keep busy today - we had a little funeral this morning. This afternoon I made victoria plum jam, then shepherd's pie for tea, lemon and poppy muffins for afters, and then I made my first official batch of soap - lemon and tea tree with fresh coffee grounds. Looks good so far.