02 October 2010

Did I tempt fate?

My lovely morning yesterday turned into a horrid one. While taking the dog for her walk JJ went head first over the handle bars on his trike and landed on his face! So after 3 hours in the local A&E where staff attended to JJ for approx 5 minutes!!, then a 3 hour wait (at home) to see the emergency dentist (ours now has friday afternoons off), we have a poor boy with a suspected broken nose, a lip three times the size it should be, grazes and tears inside his mouth, a tooth which may have to be removed under anaesthetic if it doesn't come out itself, and grazes across his face. He's refusing drinks, food and pain relief - it's so hard watching him all battered and bruised.


  1. Oh no, oh the poor boy :-( Oh hun, I hope he feels better soon. And lots of hugs for you too.


  2. Poor thing and poor you.

    I hope JJ is feeling better soon.

    Big hugs to you all

  3. Oh poor thing, don't know what to say except sending ((((hugs)))) and lots of healing to JJ.

    take care all xx

  4. Oh such a horrid thing to happen. When my little girl was 4 she smashed herself in the face and couldn't eat for days, but the body tells you how to heal and I am sure that the best medicine must be hugs and kisses, blankets and cosiness and maybe a touch of arnica. Remember to look after yourself too when things are really stressful. x Sharon

  5. Your poor little man - hope he's feeling much better soon, and that the tooth stays put. And, as Sharon said, rested, fed mummys make the best nurses. xx

  6. Oh no!! That's awful and sounds so painful. Poor little mite and poor you too. Hope he is feeling better soon. xxxx

  7. so so sorry for your poor little one and you - there is nothing worse than seeing your children in pain. Mhy friend knocked a tooth out once (and she was about 19) and it re routed and was perfect. Hoping his tooth does the same and the pain goes for him soon. virtual hugs to you. xxx

  8. (((hugs))) to you and JJ. Hope he starts to feel better soon.

  9. Poor boy! Hope he heals quickly! Hugs to you both. xx

  10. Oh poor little mite. Sending lots of love and healing energy for JJ and big (((hugs))) to you both. xxx


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