01 October 2010

Life is good

I know I've mentioned the new home ed group before, but I can't quite believe how much difference it has made to the way I feel. I am so much more calmer, much less shouty mum is here, even though my period is overdue I've only had a couple of wild/crazy/awful moments where I've lost the plot. The boys love it too (which I suppose is the main reason for going ;o) ). Definitely the right decision to pluck up the courage to go - just need to pluck up the courage to send my form for the Green Parent weekend in November.
Do you like my new house up there? My teeny tiny house made for me by my biggest boy Aaron :o).

And here's one of the birthday cards that needs making for the October birthdays - this one is for my neice who is 3 today. I've had an urge for knitting these last couple of days so I got some needles out last night and started a scarf for JJ, although this morning he told me he wants one that matches my scarf not a blue one! This will just have to be for someone else then :o). I'll show you piccies some other time.


  1. Pleased your home ed group is going well and everyone's benefiting from going. I'd always assumed you were already going to one (don't know why :)).

    Needles are clicking here too, lots of different things. Some needle felting too.

    Lovely house xx

  2. Cute little house! Glad that the home ed class is going well, sounds like a fab idea.

    Cute card too! :) x

  3. Really glad you have found a nice home ed group and you are all enjoying it. It took me years to find a good group and I'd pretty well given up. It gives me a boost each week to meet other families that don't go to school. It's a little oasis in the week! ;)

    By the way, I LOVE the cat card! Any plans for ones like that in the shop? hint hint?

  4. hello lovely, it's nice to hear you're feeling good and getting into the swing of things. loving the cards and xmas decs'. and have just ordered some of your soap..one of each :)) look forward to indulging in its naturalness.


  5. Hope you pluck up the courage for the GP meet. We're only popping along for a day this time, but looking forward to meeting lots more new faces. Would be great to meet you too!

  6. that group sounds fab and just the thing you needed - love your sons house and your card.


Sending a smile to you all. Thank you for leaving a comment.