30 July 2011

A fabulous day

I was booked in for a tattoo at 12 so off I went, on my own, book in bag! I would have a whole 3 hours to myself because of trains, etc. Tattoo took 10mins, so then off I went to grab a sarnie and some piece and quite to read. I sat by the river Humber, which is not the most gorgeous it has to be said, but the Humber Bridge was right in front of me, and the grass hoppers were singing merrily behind me while I read my book and ate my lunch....bliss. Then when I got home there was a parcel waiting for me, and my copy of Mollie Makes. Wanna see what was in the parcel....

...a new keyring, all hand-tooled. It is just fabulous, and made by the oh-so-talented Pippa.

The sun is shining too :o)

27 July 2011

My Wonderful Hubby

When I had to give back the sewing maching that I was borrowing from my sister I was a little disappointed as it was a fab machine. The Janome New Home was very robust, didn't feel as if you could break it like my modern Brother that I use now, so he put a search on ebay. In the whole time he'd had this search only one has been on...the above one :o). He told me it had come on so I watched it as well...gutted as we've no spare cash this month. Unbeknown to me he was sorting out all his scrap metal in the garage so he could get it for me. He went to pick it up yesterday. What a wonderful man my hubby is :o).

24 July 2011


Just look at this egg! I was cooking boiled eggs to go with salad and one of them cracked in the pan, losing half it's white. When I cut it in half to put on the plate there were two hearts looking back at me...amazing :o)

Doing a little bit of market research for Handmade Haven so I have a quick question for you. When I say Christmas, what's the first image that pops into your head?

Hope your all having a lovely weekend :o).

21 July 2011


Just a quickie as I should be getting ready for home ed group but I wanted to give you a quick peak of my WIP. I've always saved the denim from all our tatty jeans that were beyond the charity shop bag - I thought I would use them to patch up the jeans but that rarely happened. So then I thought I would make a beach/picnic throw, inspired by this lovely blog. So far it's about 5ft x4ft, and I've got the rest of the patches all cut out ready for me to make into strips. Then I'll back it with something, just not decided what yet! :o)

17 July 2011

Look what I made :o)

I had the book, I ordered some pattern paper and I had the fabric. I set about making my pattern, cutting out all the pieces of fabric (not rushing, as I'm prone to impatience ;o) ), then stitching it all together. I was very impressed with myself following all the instructions to the letter, doing french seams!!, and not bodging it all like I usually do.

Here's the finished skirt :o). I'm quite pleased with how it turned out considering that this is not the skirt from the book!! This is supposed to be a wrap-around skirt, but as my idea of small/medium from the pattern is clearly not the same as their idea of small/medium. So, unless I wanted my bum showing out the back of the skirt I had to change it to a proper skirt. I just stitched up the two edges, leaving the wrap ties as the fastening. Not ideal, but at least my hips aren't huge :o). I also cut 8inches off the bottom as I didn't like the length. So, my first foray into proper clothes making...not perfect but it'll do.

PS - If you can spare a minute, and have purchased soap from me, could you please leave some feedback on this small survey...thank you.

14 July 2011

Quick survey

For those of you who have used my soap I have a quick survey. I would be most grateful if you could spare a minute to answer 5 questions. Thank you very much.

13 July 2011

See what happens...

...when you leave the tear in your jeans...it gets to be sooo big your bum hangs out!! I finally got round to repairing both pairs of jeans yesterday afternoon by using some of the double sheet I got from the charity shop. I figured the holes are so big now I might as well make a feature of them ;o). Both pairs of jeans are so tatty now, but at least they'll last a couple more months.

11 July 2011

Oooh :o)

Just look what I found on the way to knitter knatters last night! How many times have I walked past this hedgerow and never ever seen them before!? I didn't get them last night though (I don't always carry a basket round with me ;o) ), but JJ and I did go and fetch them this morning, along with a fair few scratches.

We also brought home a gorgeous teasel...again with more scratches as I had to try and snap it with my fingers!! We resorted to a fabulous stone in the end that had a good sharp edge. Using the earth around us :o).

I also pulled this borage up from the side of the road..roots and all. Hopefully it will take in the pot.

I've also been working on these for the shop.....

...sorting through all my craft stuff and finishing this heart....

....making myself a very simple necklace with beads threaded on some waxed cord then with a simple button and loop fastening on the end (should have taken a picture of that).....

....making myself this gorgeous necklace with a piece of seaglass and some jewellery wire. I think the wire I got was actually too thick but I don't care...I love it!

Right, off to finish a commision piece for a customer while watching Despicable Me for the hundreth time!!

05 July 2011

No moping here

Hubby was away in Belgium over the weekend so I stayed busy to save on the moping about. Home ed group on Thursday, my sisters for tea on Friday, then Waddington Air show on Saturday. After the three hour queue to get in plus the 20 mins queue for the bus from the car park we finally got to see some planes up close :o). The red arrows were much to fast for my little phone ;o).

Sunday was spent doing a bit of housework, some crafting for the shop (see other blog for details ;o) ) then Knitter Knatter. The owls above are a sneaky peak at some more new cards for the shop. I started with the red one but wasn't quite happy with it...hence the blue and green ones which I love.

Hubby was back yesterday afternoon having had such fun, so now (after only a little bit of moping by moi) its back to normal.