11 July 2011

Oooh :o)

Just look what I found on the way to knitter knatters last night! How many times have I walked past this hedgerow and never ever seen them before!? I didn't get them last night though (I don't always carry a basket round with me ;o) ), but JJ and I did go and fetch them this morning, along with a fair few scratches.

We also brought home a gorgeous teasel...again with more scratches as I had to try and snap it with my fingers!! We resorted to a fabulous stone in the end that had a good sharp edge. Using the earth around us :o).

I also pulled this borage up from the side of the road..roots and all. Hopefully it will take in the pot.

I've also been working on these for the shop.....

...sorting through all my craft stuff and finishing this heart....

....making myself a very simple necklace with beads threaded on some waxed cord then with a simple button and loop fastening on the end (should have taken a picture of that).....

....making myself this gorgeous necklace with a piece of seaglass and some jewellery wire. I think the wire I got was actually too thick but I don't care...I love it!

Right, off to finish a commision piece for a customer while watching Despicable Me for the hundreth time!!


  1. Those owl cards are fab, as is the pendant.

  2. Fab creations and scrummy gooseberries, what a perfect day!

  3. Oooh lovely and very jealous regarding the gooseberries... I Lurve gooseberry crumble... lol mind, probably a good thing there's no bushes nearby... I'd definitely scupper my plan for gooseberry crumble! ;-)

  4. Ooh - goosegogs - i only got a few tiny ones here. Was wondering the other day about your knitting group. Love those cards and your sea glass. xx

  5. I love the seaglass pendant, how pretty!!!

    The gooseberries are a great find too!!

  6. Goosegogs - yum - we added some to flapjack with roasted nuts and seeds recently and they were divine x

    I love what you've done with one of your pieces of sea glass - I picked up a lovely piece at the beach recently so you've given me an idea there, although jewellry is something I've never tried.

  7. Oooo goosegobs..takes me back to sweet memories of childhood and not so sweet memories my fruit picking days..piece work..those thorns are lethal..especially in a hurry lol..shredded arms. ouch!

    the teasel's beautiful..as are your owl cards. when i repot like that, i find a wee drop of bach's rescue remedy in the water helps with the shock of being uprooted.

    the necklaces are gorgeous..love the glass one. i've been collecting wee pebbles on my travels..i rarely go for a walk without coming home with a few in my pockets, and always come home from our winter trip with a bagfull in my rucksack :0) had wire wrapping in mind..just got so much going on not got round to it yet..need some focus methinks!



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