05 July 2011

No moping here

Hubby was away in Belgium over the weekend so I stayed busy to save on the moping about. Home ed group on Thursday, my sisters for tea on Friday, then Waddington Air show on Saturday. After the three hour queue to get in plus the 20 mins queue for the bus from the car park we finally got to see some planes up close :o). The red arrows were much to fast for my little phone ;o).

Sunday was spent doing a bit of housework, some crafting for the shop (see other blog for details ;o) ) then Knitter Knatter. The owls above are a sneaky peak at some more new cards for the shop. I started with the red one but wasn't quite happy with it...hence the blue and green ones which I love.

Hubby was back yesterday afternoon having had such fun, so now (after only a little bit of moping by moi) its back to normal.


  1. Lovely. We saw the red arrows in the distance on Saturday as they flew over the Goodwood Festival of Speed! i bit too far away and fast for pictures - managed one that's on my blog.

    How's Knitter Natter going?

  2. Glad your wekend was still fun. Those owls look lovely.

  3. The owls are gorgeous! Sounds like a lovely weekend! :) x


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