31 August 2011
28 August 2011
The week
24 August 2011
Thank You

I've still been attending the Wednesday Knitter Knatter where I shall just make scarves (above picture) and bits for the christmas shoeboxes, while nattering, of course :o). At the Sunday Knitter Knatter we actually had a new member too, and a lady who was having a meal in the restaurant stopped and chatted too, so hopefully she'll be brave enough to come next week.

This is a little bag I finished yesterday. It's made with the hand-spun wool I got from the farmers market a couple of months ago. As the wool is quite stiff I thought a bowl or bag would be great.
Right, lots to do so I best get off here. Thank you again lovely people of cyber space.
17 August 2011

...I still have a dilly child :o).
PS..don't forget to take a peak at my other blog. Oh, Pippa...you can put handmade things in the shoeboxes but NOTHING with stuffing in as it's a fire hazard!
12 August 2011
Fabulous few days

And back to yesterday's post. JJ came home, happy as Larry with tales of the games him and his friend had played. Fantastic for a boy who has never really been away from us. :o)
11 August 2011
My baby (well not really a baby as he's 4, but you get the idea) has gone out... to someone else's house to play....without his dad or myself...for the first time EVER! And he went with a female!! He really doesn't get females at all...usually doesn't speak to them even! I'm trying to keep busy as I didn't even know he was going as he went with his Grandad to my see my hubby at his lock-up for half an hour.
That was a couple of hours ago..........eek!
That was a couple of hours ago..........eek!
08 August 2011
On a roll

07 August 2011

I seem to have found my housework mojo!!! which is a bit of a shocker as I don't like doing housework ;o). I've sorted out JJs bedroom and our bedroom (the elder two do their own rooms), which had turned into a storeroom for rubbish again. I even put some of the vast amount of ribbons on the empty ribbon holders I got in Boyes months and months ago.

05 August 2011
Book Recommendation

This book was recommended by the lovely Ruth - I've just finished reading it today and it's amazing. It's about a group of women who used to write to each other via a secret magazine which started after a plea for help from a Mum in Nursery World magazine in 1935. Through the magazine they gave each other support, love and friendship for over 60 years - it brought me to tears on a few occasions, and the woman I read about inspired me completely. I heartily recommend it to any woman :o)
04 August 2011
Free Food