Thought I'd best make something for the kids before I start on the next lot of orders I've got to do. Although they use empty tins for the felt tip pens and pencil crayons, I've never actually covered them (shame on me), so tonight I managed to make these 2 - one for the broad tips and one for the narow tips. Just got to do the pencil crayons and then the brushes.
31 May 2009
Car boot discoveries
29 May 2009
Can't stay away today ;-)
This delight is going to be my tatty scrubber. I save all the net bags that I get from fruit, then put them inside the largest bag and then I just stitch the end up. Lasts years and saves them going to landfill.
Free food friday - elderflower cordial
Elderflower cordial - we love this in our house so I'm making a double batch of this recipe. Elderflower heads (25) and lemons (3) cut into slices in the top piccie, then a cold syrup (2pts water to 3.5lb sugar) poured on the top of these. Leave for 3 days in the fridge, then strain and bottle. You can also add 2tsp citric acid but I never do. I've tried a couple of different recipes for this but this is the one I like best (from 80 year old Molly, who makes this every year too).
27 May 2009
Busy, busy
25 May 2009
Pickles galore!
23 May 2009
Don't you just love charity shops
buttons (of course) and 2 bamboo knitting needles (odd sizes but at 10p for the 2 who could resist ;-) ). I actually have 3 odd bamboo needles now, so if I keep looking I'll hopefully end up with a good set - all bought in the charity shop. Also in this picture is a bag with lead weights in for putting in curtains - another bargain at 30p. Altogether I spent £4.30.
Now to balance out the bargains I went for a stroke of the wool in a wool shop (I really don't need to buy any) and came out with some buttons - but they are just so gorgeous aren't they? These were 40p each so I only got 3 - not sure what I'm going to do with them yet, but they are lovely to look at.
I hope you've had a look at the lovely handmade showcase since I put it in the sidebar thingy. I'm trying to persuade my brother to set up an online shop for his drawings as they are absolutely fantastic, but I think I'll have to keep working on him.
21 May 2009
Back again
Did anyone watch Kirsty's Handmade Home on channel 4? I watched it and thought it was fantastic. It gave me more confidence to use second-hand/handmade in my home. I love charity shops and car boot sales anyway, but seeing it on TV made such a change from the normal house programmes that you get. Anyway, I'd definitely recommend watching it if you have access to the repeats/on-demand telly. With this in mind I'm going to add a handmade showcase to my blog to show you some of the lovely, talented people that I use to purchase things.
Where does the time go?
I've got the scarecrow bag all finished with the liner and everything. I've also made the liner for the cottage bag but the lady asked if I could add a cockeral as well, so I'm just waiting for a gorgeous piece of fabric to arrive so I can finish that completely.
These arrived in the post yesterday morning from the very talented Claire - thank you so much (I'll be emailing you later my lovely).
Right, must dash as I'm supposed to be somewhere in 5 mins and I still haven't sorted out my hair, but I'll be back later with some other stuff.
17 May 2009
Our wedding anniversary
15 May 2009
Quick update
Late night
As I couldn't do anymore on the bag I thought I'd make myself the green brooch that I've been meaning to make for ages. I finished it at 12.15am - should've been in bed but I was determined to get it finished. I love green.
14 May 2009
Anyway, I've nearly finished the outside of the scarecrow bag - had to order some orange fabric for some pumpkins - so I may just have to do some hooking later. I am missing it. I should really start the liners for the bags, but one evening off from them is ok isn't it?
I've also got to make hubbies anniversary card later as he is out of the house this evening at work, so the perfect opportunity.
12 May 2009
Promised piccies
11 May 2009
08 May 2009
Chicken out
A must read link for you
05 May 2009
Loads to show and tell you
I made this crochet cuff last week but forgot to show you with everything that was happening here. I also did the lip balm, but again, forgot the photo before I delivered it.
Last night for tea we had the last of the wild garlic in a prawn, pea and wild garlic rissotto with some more wild garlic bread.