31 March 2012

Spring Saturday

I decided I would drag the kids to the woods so I could get my annual treat of wild garlic.  It's not quite in flower yet but I did get a colander full (I did restrain myself as the crop in the woods didn't seem as abundant as it did last year).  I also got some catkins and some blackthorn to add to my forsythia on the kitchen table.

We were rather cold when we got back (normal spring weather resumed today) so we had pancakes for lunch.  These are the Jamie Oliver version and oh so yummy.  While I was clearing up JJ decorated his plastic egg that he got in a kit.  Hopefully won't take too long to dry!

While I had the camera out I took a picture of my carnation shoots that I've got in water.  I bought myself a bunch of them to go on the kitchen table, and when I got them unwrapped they were covered in new shoots up the stems so I pulled them all off before I put the flowers in the jug.  In a few weeks I shall plant them in the garden and hopefully the garden will then be full of yellow carnations.

30 March 2012

A Special Birthday

A very dear friend is 40 today so I made her this small embroidery and her birthday card.  I've also made a giant merigue and when I get there it will be filled with cream and fruit (I also made one for after our own tea too as it will be quite a struggle parting with this one ;o) ). 

26 March 2012

Button Swap

When noodleBubble posted on twitter about a button swap I just couldn't resist ;o).  My partner was the lovely Anthea over at Tales from Mount Pleasant.  We swapped our buttons last week and here's mine...

 ...aren't they just gorgeous.  I think my favourites are the love hearts button and the yellow cats eye type button, athough it changes everytime I look at them.  Here's the buttons I sent to her...it's funny how mine are all bright, darker colours and hers are pastel colours.  I just love how we're all different and steer towards certain things :o).

I also sent a felt Button Fanatic brooch too...think I'll have to make some more of these ;o)

19 March 2012

Cakes and Ribbon

Well hello if your still here.  I meant to start posting a bit more regularly but life is still hectic.  Anyway, I managed to get the fabric (see last post) all sorted out, and even went through my existing stash.  I took the pieces I wouldn't use to the charity shop so someone else could have some use out of them...very organised of me I know (not really as it took me a week to remove them from the kitchen floor ;o) ).  I also attended a meeting of The Country Crafts Association where they wanted to review my work so they could see whether or not they would accept me into their group. 

I also received more ribbon from one of my suppliers...I was going to wait for the rest to arrive before I added it to the website but I'm very impatient so it's on there now.  Once the buttons have arrived (and I'm also going to stock pure wool felt!!)  I will be holding a celebration give-away so watch this space!

Today I managed to make some cakes (lemon and poppy seeds)...first time in months.  Now I'm going to take hubby some lunch as he's working at his lock-up then I'm hoping to do some sewing this afternoon.

11 March 2012

Still hectic

Heck...this rollercoaster of a week is still hectic!  I had a friend drop by on Friday with 3 bags of fabric - I was expecting carrier bags when she said bags, but look at the size of them!  They are still sat on the kitchen floor waiting to be looked through.

Yesterday was the Crafts Uncovered Event in Barton upon Humber.  It was a fabulous day (even though I left a lot of stock at home!) made even better as when I got home hubby made the tea :o).

Also waiting for me when I got home was a parcel containing 6 of the ribbons I ordered from the supplier.  I didn't even know they'd been dispatched so that was a lovely suprise.  I've been taking lots of photos this morning then I need to make more soap.  Updating the website will have to wait until later :o)

07 March 2012


The second craft evening was such fun :o).  We didn't have as many people as intended to be there, but it was good.  Lots of chatting and crafting ensued - it was so good to have people to craft with for a change too.  My sister even told me that she would like to attend the next one, which is a miracle as she doesn't really do crafting.  Success all round I think.  We shall be playing with broken tiles next month :o).

05 March 2012

Fabulous Noodle Soup Recipe

chicken stock (or vegetable if you want to make this vegetarian)
oil for sweating off vegs
2 onions - sliced
2 sticks celery - chopped small 
4/5 cloves garlic - crushed
1 courgette - peeled then peeled into slices
4 carrots - chopped
1 leek - sliced
2/3 clumps frozen spinach
cup frozen peas
1 chilli - chopped small (leave seeds in depending on how you like your heat)
optional - chinese leaf - chopped into slices
salt and pepper

Put oil in a large pan, then add the onion and the celery.  Sweat off for a few minutes.  Next add the garlic and the courgette, then the carrots.  Give it all a good stir then add the leek, spinach, frozen peas and chilli - cook for a couple of minutes before adding the stock.  Bring to the boil then simmer for half an hour. 

Add your chinese leaf if using and check the seasoning.  Serve after 5 mins.

Sometimes I add rice noodles when I add the chinese leaf.  I would serve with crusty bread.

Sometimes I make dumplings (4oz SR flour, 2oz suet, water to make a firm dough, salt) to go with it.  I would make these, put them on top of the soup then place in the oven for 20 mins (180C) until the top of the dumplings are just brown. 

04 March 2012

Melting heart

Friday is parents assembly...I couldn't be there this Friday as I had no car...but when I picked him up from school he presented me with this....

...he was pupil of the week!!!!  "I was trembling" he said.  My heart melted then grew twice the size.  Giant cheesy grins ensued.

01 March 2012


I've been thinking a lot about what blogs inspire me, make me smile, make me laugh, make me think.  You know the ones you read every time they post even if you haven't really got the time to read them.  Some of these blogs are about everyday life, where they share their lives with you, warts and all.  Some are crafty blogs, one is the main inspiration for the type of business I would love to have one day.  One of them is just related to my other love - Harry Potter.  So, I thought I would share these 10 wonderful blogs with you.  Maybe you already read these blogs but hopefully some of you will find something new to inspire you too.