'If we did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.' Thomas Edison

12 May 2009

Promised piccies

The bag with the extra greenery round the door - undecided whether to add flowers to it as well.
And the lace. I love it. It is sooo delicate and dainty. The photo just doesn't do it just at all. I don't know what it's made from but its definitely not the usual stuff that makes modern, cheaper lace. A bargain at 90p for 1.5 metres.
I also bought a cotton pillow case for 10p which I'm hoping I'll be able to make a couple of pairs of shorts for Ds3 to wear in the summer (wishful thinking with regards the summer I think). It was a white pillow case so we shall tie-dye them if they go ok.
I also have some good news for a change - I've been asked by my niece to be one of her godparents when she is christened in October. I am so thrilled to be asked...such an honour.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That's lovely, it's really nice to be asked to be a godparent, I think especially when they are old enough to choose for themselves.