'If we did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.' Thomas Edison

03 July 2010


Pine cones collected for a display.

Eggs from the chickens cooking for tea.

Wild rose buds dried ready for use.

Foraged chamomile ready for drying.

My very first raspberries from the plants given to me by my Nan.


The best things really are free :0)


Pippa said...

Lovely. Those rose buds are so beautiful, looking forward to seeing what you do with them!

Jacqui said...

Nice time catching up with everything Shell. So pleased about your Nan and I love all your crafty things. Enjoy the summer - get to the beach as much as you can xx

Taking Time said...

What a sweet post! I do so love this time of year when the earth blesses us with so many gifts!