'If we did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.' Thomas Edison

04 January 2012

The First Adventure

A year for adventures.  Here's the first one!  JJ decided months ago that he wanted to go to school.  Today is the first day.  I was excited.  Now I'm nervous.  He was very excited.  I know I've got loads to do today to keep me busy.  I'll probably get none of it done.  Roll on three o'clock!


Dawn said...

Oh did he change his mind again to go? Oh he looks very sweet and happy.

Hope he has a great day, and you too - look forward to that hug at 3 o'clock and sharing what he (and you) have done today xxx

I shall think of you at 3 when I will be picking Imogen up.

New adventures, new discoveries for both of you x

Louise said...

Some of my children went back to nursery/school today after the Christmas break, it's always a little wrench but so long as they're happy, I'm happy too. I still get excited about picking them up at 11.30/3.15, favourite moments of the day usually. x.

Dawn said...

Hope you both had lovely days, was thinking of you xxx

Claire said...

Hope all went well. xx