'If we did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.' Thomas Edison

04 March 2012

Melting heart

Friday is parents assembly...I couldn't be there this Friday as I had no car...but when I picked him up from school he presented me with this....

...he was pupil of the week!!!!  "I was trembling" he said.  My heart melted then grew twice the size.  Giant cheesy grins ensued.


Pippa said...

That's cute, well done!! Time for cake I think!! xxx

Danigirl said...

Aww how lovely, and such a cute grin :-)

Dawn said...

Wonderful xxx

Jacqui said...

Lovely - such a happy wee face! xx

Claire said...

Hey, well done!

What a shame you couldn't have been there for the assembly. But I'm sure he'll be pupil of the week again, especially with that smile :)

Anonymous said...

so sweet:)

love the fresh new look over here Shell..great colour xx