'If we did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.' Thomas Edison

07 April 2010


I've been wanting dreads for a while now - and I've finally got them. Darling Hubby sectioned it all, then we've dreaded them all between us. The ones that were done at the weekend don't stick up as much as the ones he's done tonight.


Danigirl said...

Looks great :-D

Dawn said...

Wow, they look great. Are you happy with them and your new look?

Scented Sweetpeas said...

ooh I like - I especially like all the lovely colours at the ends of them.

Pippa said...

Wow! I love the beads too, remind me of when I was little and had my very long hair braided whilst on holiday with blue beads in the ends!

Charlotte said...

OOh been away this week so just discovered your dread head! LOVE EM!!

Anonymous said...

nice natties :))
hey the photo looks like one of those hairdressing dolls heads us girls used to get to play with as kids.. mind had dreads! x