'If we did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.' Thomas Edison

05 April 2010

Ta dah

6 bars of cocoa butter, coconut oil and lavender soap. They look gorgeous except the dried lavender went brown once it was put in the soap - but hey, for my first attempt I'm just glad they set :-).

One baby snuggly order.

This is what Nathan made for his girlfriend with those Hama beads. Absolute bugger to make them all stick together while ironing but we managed it.


Danigirl said...

Well done with the soap - looks great :-D Clair x

Scented Sweetpeas said...

Wow that soap looks fab fab fab! You must posty a tutorial on now to make it pleasey :-) hhhmm I wonder how the shops keep their lavendar's colour in soaps?

Shazronnie said...

I bet that soap smells delish!

Becks said...

The boys are having a Hama bead obsession at the moment too. We bought a big tup from Ikea and they were so much cheaper than the "proper" ones.
The design for the heart is very pretty, he must have his mama's eye for colours and pattern.
Soap looks lovely by the way - is any of it going on Etsy? ;-)

Dawn said...

Oh, wonderful soap, looks good enough to eat. I bet it smells gorgeous and will be so lovely to use. Well done. xxx

Pippa said...

I love the soap, it looks so lovely and I bet it smells wonderful too!

nocton4 said...

soap looks fab, well done you
loving that heart xx

Taking Time said...

Bravo on the soap!!It looks fab!

Anonymous said...

the soap looks lush :)

Roof said...

Yummy-looking soap! Echo Becks' question.xx

Liz said...

That soap looks edible, bet it smells lovely as well.

Natalie said...

Shell, I haven't been over to your blog for ages! Love the new look and that Soap looks fab. I keep telling myself that I don't have time for crafting these days but the truth is I think it's making me miserable. Think I *need* to clear off my craft desk and just go for it. Sod the housework! I rather like that, it should become the motto of all crafty mamas Lol!

How's the hair going? Make sure you share some pics ;-)


Alternicity said...

That soap makes me hungry!