'If we did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.' Thomas Edison

14 November 2010

Winner and stuff ;o)

Thank you, everyone, for your continued support when needed and for your lovely comments which you leave. This blog would mean nothing really without other people reading it. Although it is primarily a record for me and my crafty adventures/rants/rambles/business ventures, it just wouldn't be the same without you lot. So, my 2 year blog-iversary give-away was drawn after tea...and the winner is Claire :o) (I'll be in touch asap).

I decided we needed some sweet stuff this morning so here we have almond and apple muffins, some shortbread (and the daily loaf of bread).

I finished these little handwarmers the other night - no pattern again, just made it up as I went along. Perfect for a 4 year olds stocking at Yule.

And finally, a gift to myself - the first year of my blog in a book! I've drooled over the idea of these for so long, had it saved on blog2print for months, and then I got a discount voucher via email!! Anyway, 245 pages of my crafty stuff and ramblings, preserved in print.


Hopeful ... but losing hope. said...

Ooohhh thanks for the Blog2Print link I'm very interested in that!! And I'm delayed in saying thanks for the arrival of my order in day last week. They all smell lovely. Thanks. Helen.

Jacqui said...

What a lovely keepsake - and your sweet goodies look wonderful. xxx

Dawn said...

Your book looks wonderful, keep meaning to do it myself ... one day will.

Congratulations Claire.

Have a lovely day, I'll enjoy a virtual almond and apple muffin and a coffee with you! It's great to share this online space with you.


Anonymous said...

I got my blog2print as a pdf - didn't realise they deliver to the Uk - do they?

Do you mind sharing how much it cost including delivery as I might just get it again :-)

Sorry I missed the giveaway during my hiatus of appointments and jaw-ache!! LOL


Pippa said...

I'm so glad you've printed your blog, it will give you a lot of pleasure to look back on. I am really happy with my blog book and want to print it each year when the anniversary comes round. xxx