'If we did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.' Thomas Edison

23 May 2009

Don't you just love charity shops

While browsing the local charity shops again on Friday I managed to find these goodies...

2.5metres patterned fabric, and a green sheet and pillowcase (to use as fabric)....

buttons (of course) and 2 bamboo knitting needles (odd sizes but at 10p for the 2 who could resist ;-) ). I actually have 3 odd bamboo needles now, so if I keep looking I'll hopefully end up with a good set - all bought in the charity shop. Also in this picture is a bag with lead weights in for putting in curtains - another bargain at 30p. Altogether I spent £4.30.

Now to balance out the bargains I went for a stroke of the wool in a wool shop (I really don't need to buy any) and came out with some buttons - but they are just so gorgeous aren't they? These were 40p each so I only got 3 - not sure what I'm going to do with them yet, but they are lovely to look at.

I hope you've had a look at the lovely handmade showcase since I put it in the sidebar thingy. I'm trying to persuade my brother to set up an online shop for his drawings as they are absolutely fantastic, but I think I'll have to keep working on him.

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