'If we did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.' Thomas Edison

23 February 2009

Storage cans

I've been putting some snowdrops on my bedside table for the past couple of weeks as we have sooo many in the garden and I just love them. Unfortunately they had been sat in an old spice jar as I didn't have anything else small enough - that is until today :-). I've knitted a cover for the jar using some gorgeous Debbie Bliss SoHo wool. Quite pleased with it.

This evening I thought I'd start on the can cover as the tin has been sat on my little table looking at me for a while. I'm really pleased with this.


Becks said...

Simply beautiful.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much - the pictures don't actually show the true colours of this - it is much nicer in the flesh :-)